Project Zomboid B42 – Animals announced so far
Project Zomboid’s B42 promises Animals and Livestock brought to the game, giving players the opportunity to expand their farms significantly.

Project Zomboid‘s Build 42 will be a very important patch for the game’s future and promises to bring major changes and additions to the Kentucky post-apocalyptic world we all enjoy and love.
One of the long awaited additions by Project Zomboid fans, especially for those passionate farmers who enjoy growing corn and potatoes more than cracking zed heads, is livestock and animals, which will be available once B42 launches!
Here is the list of livestock we know so far:
- Cows
- Sheep
- Deer
- Bulls
- Chickens
- Roosters
- Pigs
- Critters?!
Things to do in Project Zomboid B42 with animals and livestock!
As announced by Indie Stone, you will be able to do a lot of fun things with livestock in B42, some activities including finding and attaching animals to ropes, thus, directing them where you want, placing hens in henhouses, shearing sheeps, milking sheep and cows, and, of course, sacrificing or hunting them for meat!
They will also add parameters like Health, Age, Gender and Stress levels for each livestock.
Animals will require shelter, protection from zombies, food, water and rest. More livestock means more work, so farming is taken at a whole new level in B42!
Here’s a video posted by Indie Stone on another future feature – Animal Trailers
In one of the latest Indie Stone News blog posts, called Play Your Cardz Right, the dev team posted an overview video on progress made on Livestock and Animals for B42, which really helps us envision how will our animal farming options will look like.
The team is still working on game logic, design and sound, along other B42 features, so we will have to wait and see how will all these unfold and for an estimated Unstable release date!
If you want to stay close to Indie Stone‘s dev updates, you will find their Official News site here.
Until B42 will be born, Enjoy your B41 experience and keep on surviving!