Flesh and Blood Outsiders Trailer

Flesh and Blood Outsiders Trailer Revealed

Legend Story Studios has just released their first ever Video Trailer on Youtube that announces their new Flesh and Blood Expansion Set, Outsiders.

And it looks quite nice.

With just 10 days remaining until the new Flesh and Blood Outsiders expansion will be released, LSS (Legend Story Studios) has surprised the TCG fans with a video Trailer on their official Youtube channel.

Source: Flesh and Blood Official Youtube Channel

This is the first time Flesh and Blood revealed an official video trailer before one of their main expansions was set to be released.

Outsiders takes us to the Pits, an underground city of Rathe, below city of Metrix, where you need to watch your step, as in the Pits there are no laws, no enforcers and protection. It’s a city full of gangs, thieves, smugglers and… Assassins!

The video captures this theme and its atmosphere – a world with a lawless society, full of outlaws, or should we say – Outsiders – that are capable and willing to do whatever it is needed to survive.

Flesh and Blood Outsiders release date will be on 24 March 2023. Until then, enjoy the very first Flesh and Blood Trailer.